Have you ever heard of Trees For Life?
This amazing organisation aims to help the natural regeneration of the Caledonian forest, which once covered a large area of the Scottish Highlands. Now only around 2% remains. Trees for Life is planting native species of trees, and this work is mostly carried out by volunteers. They are also removing non-native species and fencing seedlings to protect them from overgrazing by deer and sheep.
Visible Fictions is supporting their work by currently off-setting our carbon footprint by planting trees in our Trees for Life Grove in the Highlands. The trees in this grove will be carefully planted in protected sites in the Scottish Highlands where they will create homes for wildlife and forests for the future. We know off-setting is not the answer and we work hard to reduce our carbon emissions year on year, but while we still produce emissions, we will plant trees to help minimise their damage.
Get into the Christmas Grove with Visible Fictions.
You can add to our landscape of creativity and renewal. Anyone who is looking for an alternative, and green, Christmas present – look no further. Why not plant a tree in somebody’s name in ‘Coille Na Visible Fictions’, and support the regeneration of the old Caledonian Forest. More information can be found here.
About our social media Green Series
Recently Team VF completed their Carbon Literacy Training with the Carbon Literacy Project. As part of our training, we were encouraged to make pledges – and one of ours is to post on Social Media about our progress in our carbon-reducing journey. Once a month, we will report on our ups and downs – and would love to hear about your experiences too. Let’s get a conversation started, you find us on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter/X and Instagram.
Suite 325-327, 4th Floor,
11 Bothwell Street,
Glasgow, G2 6LY
T: 0141 221 8727
E: info@visiblefictions.co.uk
Visible Fictions are hugely grateful for the very kind and generous support of the estate of the late Elizabeth Shirley Phillips and the Garfield Weston Foundation.
Visible Fictions is a Scottish Charity (SCO21724) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (Scotland 144133).
Registered address: Suite 325/327, 4th Floor, 11 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6LY.