Treasure Island

Local lad Robbie Stevenson prefers to hide away from the world inside the pages of his favourite book, Treasure Island.

But with a little bit of imagination, the book comes to life, and he is thrust aboard. Robbie soon finds that you can’t stay hiding forever when he must learn to navigate his own course and to discover the world is full of treasure if you’re brave enough to look.

Our story is about bravery. In the original story, the hero, Jim Hawkins is the bravest boy in the world. He jumps on ships to travel around the world, he fights with pirates, and he explores far-away islands looking for gold. Which is all undoubtedly brave.

But we wanted to capture another kind of bravery. The type of bravery that goes on every day throughout Scotland. For some children, opening their bedroom door each morning requires phenomenal amounts of bravery. We wanted to celebrate that bravery too. And so, in our story, we introduce you to Robbie. The boy who lives in the smallest bedroom of the smallest house on the smallest street of Cumbernauld. Over the course of one night, he falls in love with the story of Treasure Island. We hope you will fall in love with it too.

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Activity Pack

A Wee Note from Suzie:

The PDF is interactive. It may be best to open it via Google Chrome to allow all interactive elements.

For the song in the PDF pack captions have been enabled. I found it helpful to have this on as I learned the song.

If you are a teacher and you’ve used this pack, could you take 5 minutes out your day to complete this short survey?

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