The Young Audiences Group (YAG) is a collective of arts organisations and individuals in Scotland making work with and for children and young people.
This document sets out the YAG’s commitments and actions to tackle racism in our sector. We uphold that an anti-racist approach is imperative to delivering work that nurtures and supports young audiences and those who work with them. We acknowledge that racism intersects with other forms of discrimination and recognise that developing an anti-racist approach means tackling all forms of oppression and injustice.
The content of this document came from a consultation process in 2021 with artists and creative practitioners from the global majority with lived experience of racism in Scotland. We pledge to uplift the voices of people who experience racism in the framing of the actions and language of this document.
We acknowledge that this document is only a starting point and that we are all on a learning journey. We may not get everything right but we want to do the right thing, and actively encourage feedback and input. We commit to making this a safe process for anyone who would like to contribute and to remunerate appropriately for the labour involved.
If you would like to get in touch with any comments, questions, or amendments to this document, please contact one of the following working group members: or
By signing this document, I commit to the following actions as a minimum standard:
By signing this document, I commit to the following actions as a minimum standard:
1. I will keep an up-to-date Anti-Racism statement which includes but is not limited to the actions in this document.
2. I will communicate this statement when offered contracts and will sign on the basis that this Anti-Racism statement is upheld by the person/organisation offering the work.
3. I will include appropriate costings in my project budgets to ensure the anti-racism actions can be visible to my funders and those booking me for my work.
4. I will work with the YAG to ensure there is a Complaints Procedure for individuals from the global majority working in our sector.
5. I will continue my anti-racism education and share my learning with those I am working alongside.
6. I will actively seek to know the work of individuals and organisations led by Black, Brown, Indigenous, People of Colour and those who have been historically excluded due to racism. By attending performances, connecting on social media, uplifting and amplifying their work, paying for their time and services, and supporting with my time, energy and resources where I can.
7. I will ensure global majority stories are represented within my projects.
8. I will ensure all auditions include candidates from the global majority.
9. Working together with the YAG, I will hold to account those distributing money, work, and power, including funders and membership organisations in the Scottish arts sector.
10. I will bring Anti-racism onto any agendas I have influence over.
Suite 325-327, 4th Floor,
11 Bothwell Street,
Glasgow, G2 6LY
T: 0141 221 8727
Visible Fictions are hugely grateful for the very kind and generous support of the estate of the late Elizabeth Shirley Phillips and the Garfield Weston Foundation.
Visible Fictions is a Scottish Charity (SCO21724) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (Scotland 144133).
Registered address: Suite 325/327, 4th Floor, 11 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6LY.