It’s here!

A collection of curated commissions by Visible Fictions. We gave 12 of Scotland’s most exciting artists 1 line from the famous song and tasked them to create a family friendly 2 minute film for social media. We cannot wait to share these with you.

From 7th December we will release one film per day here and across our social media platforms.

The 12 Plays of Christmas artists are: Patrick Wallace, Lucas Chih-Peng Kao, Cameron Strachan, Stewart Ennis, Christine 挺欢 Urquhart and Zoe Bullock, Calum Coutts, Elspeth Chapman, Nikki Kalkman, Petre Dobre, Roberto Cassani, Daniel Padden, and Lisa Keddie.

Twelve Lords A-Leaping by Lucas Chih-Peng Kao

Lucas Chih-Peng Kao is a filmmaker and multidisciplinary collaborative artist. He was born in Taiwan and based in Edinburgh. His film was inspired by the line “Twelve Lords a Leaping”, you can find out more of Lucas’ work on and on Instagram as @cplkao His favourite Christmas film is The Apartment.

Eleven Ladies Dancing by Patrick Wallace

Patrick Wallace is an actor/musician based in Glasgow. His film was inspired by the line ’11 Ladies Dancing’. You can see more of Patrick’s work here and @prwallace92 on twitter and instagram. His favourite Christmas film is It’s a Wonderful Life.  His favourite Christmas film is The Apartment.

Ten Pipers Piping by Petre Dobre

Petre Dobre, originally from Romania and now based in Glasgow, is an actor and director for stage and screen. He graduated with a BA in Performance (BSL/English) in 2018 and uses visual vernacular to create powerful storytelling, combining movement, facial expressions and iconic BSL signs. His film was inspired by the line “ten pipers piping”. Follow him on twitter @petre_dobre His favourite film is ‘Home Alone’ His favourite Christmas film is The Apartment.

Little and Shao’s Big Adventure by Christine 挺欢 Urquhart and Zoë Bullock

Christine 挺欢 Urquhart is a former Fine Art Painter and Sculptor now working in Theatre and Film as a Set & Costume Designer and Art Director. Her work questions viewpoints and narrative structure through form, the body as a political statement and the audience as witnesses.  You can find out more about Christine here. Her favourite Christmas film is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.  

Zoë Bullock is a writer and performer based in Glasgow. She loves fantasy and magical adventures, and her film with Christine Urquhart is based on the line ‘nine drummers drumming’. Follow her at @zoeambullock on Twitter to hear more about her work. Zoë’s favourite Christmas film is Home Alone (especially the bit with the iron), closely followed by The Nightmare Bvefore Christmas.

Eight Mums Get Milk In by Calum Coutts

Calum is a secondary teacher who is very passionate about the arts in education, in both formal and non-formal sectors. The inspiration for his piece came from the line “8 maids a milking” and asking, is milk important to Christmas? If so for who and why? More of his work can be found here.  His favourite Christmas film is “A Muppet Christmas Carol

Seven Swans A-Swimming by Daniel Padden

Daniel Padden is a composer and musician living in Edinburgh, and this short film was based on the line “seven swans a-swimming”.  Find out more about his work here, and follow him on Twitter @danielpadden. His favourite Christmas film is The Bishop’s Wife.

Six “Geese” A-Laying by Nikki Kalkman

Nikki Kalkman is an independent theatre maker and director based in Glasgow. Her most recent work credits include co-director, The Dark Carnival: Unplugged (Vanishing Point); rehearsal director, Black Beauty (Traverse Theatre); producer, Puppetry Scratch Night at Assembly Roxy and director of a new young people puppetry piece Odd Socks currently in development with the support of Creative Scotland. Her inspiration for this piece came from the line “Six Geese A-Laying” and her realisation that geese look very similar to ducks. Nikki’s favourite Christmas film is Die Hard… yes it is a Christmas film and Nikki will hear no more about it.

The Santa Paw by Cameron Strachan

Cameron Strachan is an upcoming writer/director in Glasgow.  His film was inspired by the line “Five Gold(en) Rings”, Cameron has brought back the star of “Phone Fictions: The Daily Paw” (his dog Belle) and used his previous experience of working in a jewellers to influence the story.  You can watch Cameron’s other work here, follow him on Instagram @strachan939, and catch the details of his next project in 2021 here. Cameron’s favourite Christmas film is The Polar Express.

Four Colly Birds by Elspeth Chapman

Elspeth is a designer, puppeteer and facilitator living in Edinburgh. The inspiration for this film was the line “four colly birds” and the history and confusion surrounding it! More information about her work can be found  here,  and follow her on Facebook and Instagram @elspethpuppetstuff. Elspeth’s favourite Christmas film is The Snowman.

Nettie McIver’s Shortbread by Stewart Ennis

Stewart is a writer, performer & occasional photographer; he co-founded Benchtours Theatre, creating international touring shows throughout the nineties and noughties. His stories and poems have appeared in various anthologies, and his first novel Blessed Assurance was published in 2019.  You can read more about Stewart here. Favourite Christmas film? Elf

Pigeons Make Glasgow by Lisa Keddie

Lisa Keddie is a writer for stage and screen based in Glasgow. Her film was inspired by the line “two turtle doves”. You can read more about Lisa and see more of her work here  and you can follow her on twitter @lisakwriter.  Her favourite Christmas film is Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

Partridge by Roberto Cassani

Roberto Cassani is a double bass player and writer of music and words from Rivolta d’Adda in Northern Italy, based in Perthshire. His little film was inspired by the line “A partridge in a pear tree”…you can cast an eye/ear on Roberto’s work here or follow him on social media, on which he is far from social. Roberto’s favourite Christmas movies are Elf, Arthur’s Christmas and Nativity 1.